Monday, May 10, 2010

Innovation is a Team Sport

We often hear stories about famous inventors and the stroke of luck or genius that inspired their great idea (i.e. Ford, Goodyear, Otis). But the reality is that most of today’s innovations don’t come from just one person or just one moment of inspiration. In today’s business world, most innovations are the result of a deliberate collaborative effort by many people.

For innovation to thrive, it’s important to take the ego out of the idea development process and make it a team sport, so to speak. By building a cross-functional team and involving consumers and major stakeholders (i.e. vendors) in the innovation process, you’re bound to increase your chances for success. One of the benefits of an organization is that it brings together different thinking styles from people with expertise from a wide variety of areas that provide them with unique perspectives. Putting together an innovation team with people from every discipline—marketing, sales, R&D, operations, IT, HR, design—will give you better chances of “winning” at the innovation game.